Hello guys..... Welcome to my blog and my first post. My name is Avieda Rachma. You can call me vida or avieda. I was born in Bandung on 3rd June 2002. I live at Kopo with my family. I have one younger brother. His name is Aksa. He is 9 years old. I used to be a student at Taruna Bakti Junior High School. But now i study at 3 Senior High School. I'm so happy that i got selected here.Senior High School is my dream school since elementary school.
When i was in Junior High School, I have 6 best friends. First is Tabina, she isn't in the same class with me but we know each other at course. Second is Imala, She is my classmate since 5th grade. We're in the same class for almost 6 years. Third is Dinda, We know each other since playgroup.Forth is Anindita. She is the person that always hear my life story. Fifth is Zahra, She's so talkative but funny. The last one is Amanda, she's the most crazy friend i've ever have.
I have hobbies. I like to watch movie or korean drama sometimes. My favourite genre is action , sci-fi or drama. I hate horror and thriller movies because if i watch it alone i couldn't sleep. Than i like to listen to music.My current favourite song are ilysb and warm on a cold night by honne. If you haven't hear it, you should. I like to sleep and eat too. Maybe two of them are the most favourite things that i do.
My class in 3 Senior High School is 10 science 3, I feel comfortable here and i can socialize with my new friends here. Some of them are used to be my junior high school. I meet with a lot of new friends that come from anywhere. Most of them are smarter than me. I feel like i'm the most stupid student in my class.
I don't know what i want to be in the future. But now, i want to study hard so i can entered ITB and become success person someday. I wish that i can make my parents happy and proud, useful for other people and always be happy no matter what.
If you wonder what i look like in a real person, you have to imagine a short girl with a short hair and uneven teeth. I don't what people think about me. I hope they think that i'm a good person, funny.
That's my life if you wondering. Right now, i hope that i can have a good grade and can socialize with my new friends and new environment. See you in the next post!!